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Breast Reduction

Many women who desire larger and perkier breasts typically undergo breast augmentation to achieve their aesthetic goal. However, those who have been “blessed” with a naturally large bust may want relief from the extra weight they carry on their chest. Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammaplasty, can help women with overly large breasts achieve smaller and more proportionate breasts that complement their overall silhouette.


Achieved With Breast Reduction

Your Breast Reduction Surgery


During your consultation, Dr. Ip will review your medical history and the condition of your breasts to determine the best approach for your breast reduction surgery. Both you and Dr. Ip will discuss any questions and concerns you may have and determine a plan to achieve your personal and cosmetic goals.


Dr. Ip typically uses an anchor incision when performing breast reduction surgery. An incision encircles the areola that continues down the breast and horizontally along the fold of the breast crease. Excess breast tissue is carefully excised, and the remaining skin is repositioned to create a more youthful and attractive appearance. The nipples and areolas can also be reshaped and repositioned. The incisions are closed using surgical sutures.


Breast reduction surgery can be performed alongside liposuction of the breasts for patients who struggle with a significantly large bust. Liposuction can also eliminate excess fat that has developed in the bra line area to enhance a woman’s results and figure.


Following your breast reduction procedure, you will be asked to wear a surgical garment to support your new contours. Swelling and bruising may occur but should subside after a few weeks. You can return to work two to three weeks after your surgery, but you will be asked to avoid all strenuous activities and smoking for at least six weeks.


You will notice immediate improvement following your breast reduction surgery. Most breast reduction patients report experiencing physical and emotional relief, improved confidence, and an enhanced quality of life.


While some scarring may occur, this can be easily hidden underneath clothing and will likely fade over time.


The cost of your breast reduction will be based on certain factors, including surgical fees, anesthesia fees, and the techniques used during your procedure. Dr. Ip will give you a cost estimate during your consultation.

What Dr. Ip's Patients are Saying

Dr. Ip is an exceptional plastic surgeon. He has done several surgeries on me and I could not be happier. He is an artist and his eye for detail is unmatched. I have referred family members and several friends and they adore dr. Ip and his work. His staff is outstanding. It is like family and I would never feel comfortable to have anyone else work on me.

Melissa Locke

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Breast Reduction Faq

  • Am I a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

    Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery must be in good health and have realistic expectations. You must also refrain from smoking at least a few weeks before and after your procedure. When considering breast reduction, Dr. Ip will recommend waiting until you are at least 18 years old so that your breasts are fully developed before undergoing surgery.

  • What type of anesthesia will be used during my breast reduction surgery?

    Breast reduction is an outpatient surgery performed using local and intravenous anesthesia.

  • Are there any risks or side effects involved with breast reduction surgery?

    As with most procedures, there are a few potential complications that may occur after breast reduction surgery, including:

    • Bleeding
    • Infection
    • Change in skin sensation
    • Asymmetry
    • Poor wound healing

Schedule a consultation

Choosing to have a plastic surgery procedure starts with scheduling a consultation with T.Y. Stevent Ip, MD. Fill out the form below or call Dr. Ip's office at (949) 548-0300 in Newport Beach or (855) 742-8800 in Beverly Hills, California.

We are now offering virtual consultations (FaceTime and Skype). Simply request your virtual consultation in the message field in the contact form below.

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